Monday, July 27, 2015

Is It Monday Again Already?

I took a week off from life last week.  It felt good to not worry about looking for work or any of my other responsibilities for a little while.  The only thing I did that was even slightly noteworthy is that I volunteered at a conference for a half day hosted by the Department of Transportation on Wednesday.  Oh my gosh, was that boring!  I just walked around and made sure that the attendees in three different classes signed in.  Got a free backpack and T-shirt for my efforts, so I guess it was worth it.  Beyond that, the chi's and I had endless cuddle sessions.
Aaaaaand now it's back to reality...  I went to the store the other day and saw all of the back-to-school sales and got very sad that I won't be going back next month.  As stressful and busy as it was, I truly loved college.  And I miss it.  Then I went to check the mail that evening and got my very first bill for student loans.  Yikes!  It was an excellent reminder that I NEED to get my act together and find a job.  Luckily for me, Blog Goddess Kristen has granted me one of her AH-MAY-ZING cover letters, so that potenial employers will be all kinds of impressed with me and insist that they need to hire me immediately.  In addition, she also spared samples of her precious Lush and sent me not one, not two, but THREE packages of goodies recently.  Her obsession and addiction have become mine now.  She's done other stuff for me in the past too, and I don't know how I could ever repay her.  So I am bestowing this wonderous award upon her.  (I'd link to her blog so that everyone could share in her loveliness, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that.  She tries to keep on the down low for work purposes these days.)
Unsure of source - saved it awhile ago and forgot where it came from.

4 showed me some love:

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a lovely thing for Kristen to do, I really hope it helps. Paws crossed here!
Lynne x

SWMNBN said...

Seriously.... you're the most awesome friend. And you can link to my blog... No one will really know it's me anyway :)

Can't wait to hear about all the interviews you're going to get soon :)
And if you want... I can send more Lush your way! I've been collecting samples and goodies for you (hee hee, because one can never ever ever have too much Lush!)

The Daily Pip said...

Taking a break once in awhile is a good thing! Try not to get discouraged. I'm sure the perfect job is right around the corner

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are sorry it is so tough to get that job. It must be so frustrating. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Hang in there, it will happen. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for the right opportunity to come along soon. Hugs.

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