Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wordy Wednesday - Blueberry Ice Cubes

Bursting with blueberries!
Not that it matters, but this isn't their usual water bowl.
Shiver sniffing and checking it out.
Maybe I'll just have a little taste.
Mmm mmm good!

Unfortunately, Chico had no interest in the cubes whatsoever.  He never even sniffed the bowl.  Shiver was the only one who checked them out.  Usually it's the other way around, so their reactions were unusual in this situation.  Shiver doesn't typically like new things; he tends to wait to see how Chico will react towards them.  Shiver drank the water throughout the day, but didn't pay much attention to the cubes themselves.  After awhile, I dumped out the water and just left the blueberries.  Shiver ate them, Chico chewed them up and spit them out.  Guess he's not a fan of blueberries!  While I'm not likely to make these again for them, I'm not counting it as a complete failure.

11 showed me some love:

Pippa Sheltie said...

Yum yum, they look gooood, especially for a hot day!
Pippa :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

CHICO.... what were you thinking??? Buddy you gotta give those DELICIOUS Blueberries a TRY..

We get them in our Flavor Ice sometimes also. and Sometimes it is just flavored with Carrots... try THAT one.

Flavor Ice is SOOOOOO refreshing in the summer.

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful Wednesday and stay cool. We are going to try out some frozen delights.
Best wishes Molly

Sketching with Dogs said...

LOL, well at least you got a good blog post out of it and a funny story :)
Dogs are wierd creatures, eh.
Lynne x

Finn said...

We tried blueberry ice cubes this summer too. They like to chomp down on the cubes and they enjoyed the blueberries too, it was a first for them. Oh well, maybe second time is the charm!

The Life of Riley said...

Nice to see photos of Shiver. In summer (it is winter here!) I've frozen other types of food, but haven't tried blueberries yet. My dogs have liked little bits of liver treats which makes liver flavored water, cooked chicken, peas, and some of their usual kibble frozen in water. Riley, would eat anything and even thinks getting a single plain ice-cube is a treat for doing a command well!

Scooter said...

Wow, that sounds so nice on a hot day! I gotta say I love cubies, but I agree about not being a fan of fruitables. Have a great day, my furiends!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Mollie said...

OMD I want my Humom to make me those :) xx0xx

Mollie and Alfie

jen said...

Lol, Leroy's not a big fan of blueberries either!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I think I would like those too. We were gonna go blueberry picking today, but it was 97 out. So maybe next week.

Reuben said...

Well, I no blames you guys; I no likes blueberries either! Unless they is bacon-flavored.... thanks for visiting my dogblog!


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