Friday, December 9, 2011

Half Full Friday!

Half Full Friday is a series of weekly posts that Eyegirl originally started in June 2009.  We believe that a lot of our happiness is determined by our attitude about the things that happen to us.  So by participating, I'm deciding to see the glass as half full instead of half empty; I'm choosing to concentrate on the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.  The Half Full Friday posts are a way to do just that.  They're a list of the things in my life that have brought me happiness over the past week.  I'm determined to find something good in each day.  Are you?

For the next week, I'd like to challenge each of you to keep a list of at least one thing that brought you happiness each day.  Be sure to link up here once you've posted your list!  (This isn't a blog hop so please only link up if you've participated by posting your happy list.  Thanks!)

~I'm happy because...
I picked up an extra shift next week!

I got $150 from selling my textbooks back yesterday and used some of that $ to buy Christmas presents!

I got another follower this week!  Welcome!

A light on my car's dashboard came on and the service place fixed it for free!  I feel like I've had them on speed dial lately.

With the extra credit assignment in Anthropology, it brought me up to an A so I won't be doing the optional final!

I should be ending the semester with 3 A's and a B!  And an F in algebra but that doesn't affect my GPA since it isn't for credit, so yeah, we won't talk about that...  
I tried to get around and visit everyone this week but it's been difficult.  I'm working 6 days this week and, with classes and studying for finals in the mix, I'm exhausted!  (If I missed you, I promise to make up for it soon.)  No more classes after tomorrow but I'll have 3 finals and work next week.  Monday is gonna be hella long but the paycheck will make it worth it.  If I'm super careful and don't buy anything that isn't a necessity, I think I can swing the mortgage payment next month.  :)

Last semester, I was really sad when school ended because I enjoyed it so much and wouldn't get to see my friends anymore.  This semester, I made new friends and ran into some of the old ones here and there, but it doesn't feel as bittersweet.  It went so quick that it's hard to believe it even happened.  Guess time flies when you're having fun!

I was talking with a friend at work yesterday and saying that I don't understand why my major has to have so frickin' much math and when would I ever even use that shit out in the real world?  She commented that it's not so much about the math, it's more about teaching you to use your brain to think logically.  After contemplating that for awhile, I can see that...  So now I have a new perspective.  Still don't enjoy it but I understand why it's necessary now.

Looking forward to the Christmas break and being with the chi's.  I've missed spending so much quality time with them.

14 showed me some love:

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Look at those A's and B!!! Congratulations!!

Now about that Math stuffs... my mom says that when she was starting Grad School.. the advisor said.. everybuddy HAD to take Grad STATS FURST.. beclaws THAT class Weeds out the Bimbos. And it surely did. there were 52 the furst night and the night of Finals there were only 25 left... and when the next class started.. there were only 20 students.
32 drop outs

I guess if a student is willing to work at it... it is all WELL WORTHWHILE.
AND I KNOW that YOU are a VERY WILLING Student!!
I am not sure that math makes you think Logically butt my mom can Still Quote her first furst day in Logic Class
If P is True and NOT P is NOT True.. then Not Q is Not True.
I don't have a clue how that EVER did anythingy fur her though.
Hang tough and remember...
One Passed Class = One step Closer to GRADUATION.

Scooter said...

Hey Wylde One!
Wow, extra money, extra credit, a free car repair and an extra follower! That's a busy week fur sure. You'll be so ready for the holidays! :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are glad you have had some good luck this week.
We have had good luck with the weather compared to the rest of the country.
Dip went to the vet and doesn't have to take any more medicine for her leg.
And I got a bargain dvd that I really enjoyed.
It would be nice to have that handful of money too though, LOL!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Velvet Over Steel said...

Congrats on the Grades and getting some money back! Both are awesome!!!

Glad the the garage fixed something for free. Good karma all the way around!!

Have a Wonderful Weekend and focus on the long college Christmas break coming up SOON! :-)

Coreen XO

Finn said...

So happy for you with the grades and with the extra shift! Nice work! Hope you have a great weekend!

jen said...

Nice week for you!!
Thanks for your comment today on my post! Your are great!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

We is doin' da boxer wiggle butt happy dance over dose A's and B grades! Sounds like you had a good week too. Yay fur you!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Melissa said...

Congratulations on the great marks! Way to go!

I guess I can see how math would help you think logically but it doesn't mean I like it any better either, lol

Meg said...

Sounds like everything is going great for you. I love that your grades are so rocking--congrats! Way to go not having to take an optional final that is amazing! Extra money for Christmas shopping...score! Things are going your way girlie. Enjoy!

Zuzana said...

Happy Monday dear sprinkles, sorry it took a while to come over for a visit.;)
Lucky you - the light that came up on my car dashboard cost me over $1500 to fix.;)
Have a great week dear friend,

Sagira said...

Congrats on the great grades.
My list will be pups. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Your grades are wonderful! Selling the books, woohoo

Marianne Pysh said...

I just wanna know where you got that pile of cash? I don't want all of it, but could we just have a little bit? My boxers have very expensive taste (just like their human!)!!

Ruby said...

Congrats on ur grades!!! Cheers!

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