Monday, July 19, 2010

Funday Monday

Has anyone tried these yet?
Source:  Slashfood
McCafe Real Fruit Smoothies
I kept reading various articles and seeing advertisements for them and became obsessed!  I couldn't wait for the free sample giveaway and even devised that I'd go to one of the McDonalds and order a small fry.  That would get me a sample of one kind!  Then I'd drive across town to the other McDonalds and order a cheeseburger.  I'd have a whole meal and I'd get to try a sample of both fruit smoothies!  I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I was by the prospect!  Aaaaaaand then McDonalds back out of the giveaway...  Boo! 

I couldn't stand the thought of not getting to try one so I broke down and bought the Strawberry Banana flavor.  It was tasty but the banana overpowered any real strawberry flavor and I walked away feeling a slight disappointment.  Don't get me wrong -- I like bananas, I just wish I could've tasted at least a little of the strawberry in there too! 

And then I tried the Wild Berry.  Oh my, can I just say it's like Heaven in your mouth?  I want another one now as we speak!!!  Sooooooooo good!  If I were working, I swear that I would find a way to have one every single day!

Disclosure:  I am not being paid for this review, I purchased these with my own hard-earned unemployment benefits which are about to expire. 

Katie has oh so generously given me another award!  Yay!!!  I'm of the firm belief that one cannot have too many awards!  I really like this one, I haven't seen one like it before.
The rules are to say where you'll be 10 years from now and to pass it along to 10 other bloggers.

Well, first off - I just hope I'm even alive in 10 years, a lot can happen between now and then!  I'd like to be in the same house or one that I purchased because I wanted to upgrade to a newer one because it was my choice and not because I lost the one I currently have.  I'd like to be in a job that I actually enjoy where I make a decent living and have a little money in the bank.  And I'd like to be healthy.  (Yes, I'm boring!)

I'm passing this along to KS, P, Zuzana, Meg, Meeko, Eyegirl, Melly, Martine, AndreaLeigh and Kimberly.

For everyone else, where would you like to be in 10 years?

18 showed me some love:

Deborah said...

Congratulations on your award! In ten years from now, I hope my family and I are still healthy...I want to be at my house still and just be happy and healthy!
I'm going to try one of the smoothies. The do sound good!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Congrats on your award! Mom saw the ad for those new smoothies from McD's and wanted to try thems. I will tell hers to get the Wild Berry one, thanks for the tip!. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Life With Dogs said...

I'd like to be on a beach sucking down one of those smoothies! I was eying them the other day and wondering if they were any good...

Zuzana said...

Oh I am so excited to read a post from you actually on the day you posted it.;) Usually i get to see them first the next day due to the time difference.;)
I know exactly how excited you felt about tasting that smoothie, I have it the same way with food.;) Those simple pleasures right.;)
Congratulations on your award and THANK you for passing it on to me! I will try to post my answer soon.;)) I hope you are having a great Monday so far,

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Those Scots sure know how to hold on to every nickle. Not surprised that they backed out on the freebee thingy. That McDonald Clan is know to the the thriftiest of the thrifty. hehehe

The Daily Pip said...

That's so funny - I have been obsessed with those as well. The look yummy in the pictures. I will have to try the wild berry one tomorrow!

Thanks for the recommendation!
Pip (and his mom)

Melissa said...

Congratulations on getting the award and thank you so much for passing it along to me! :)

I haven't heard of the McDonald's smoothies but not I'm intrigued!!

Sasha said...

I have been wanting one of those smoothies! Do you take the Sunday paper? The Parade magazine had a coupon for a free one in there yesterday.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mmmmmm, so yummy looking. Mom says she just might have to try one. Her favorite strawberry drink is the one from Starbucks:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Sprinkles... I am glad that you liked my Green Bean instructions. hehehe

Meeko Fabulous said...

Thanks for my award dear! :)

Unknown said...

Hmm...haven't seen thos smoothies here in Oz - maybe they're just trialing them in America at the moment...but I know what you mean about disappointment - I always feel like that about KFC - it always looks so deliciously crispy and juicy in the TV ads but then is so oily and soggy in real life!


Kristen said...

Thank you thank you thank you!!

PS- I am still so sad the candle broke on its way to you :( Darn postmen!

I will post this award soon... and I am thinking of where I want to be in 10 years... such a fun thing to think about!

Thanks again... you are just so fabulous!

Anonymous said...

We didn't try one but momma's daughter-in-law did and she said it was good but not worth the cost☺

P said...

Cool, thanks for another award! I will do this myself in the next couple of days. :)

I like the sound of the berry one but not the strawberry/banana one - i don't like bananas at all and even if something has the tiniest bit of banana in it I will be able to taste it.

AndreaLeigh said...

Thanks for the award! :)

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I'll have to try 1 of the Wild berry 1s. Thanks so much for the award. I'll post it today or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award!!

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