Friday, July 30, 2010

Half Full Friday and Blog of the Week

It's Half Full Friday already!  If you want to join in the fun (and please do!), head over to Eyegirl's and introduce yourself to Mr. Linky.
I'm happy it rained one day this week!  Unfortunately, it was in the middle of the night so it didn't help to cool things down any.

I'm happy I got my crafty decal in the mail from Katie's giveaway!  Now I just have to figure out what to put it on.

I'm happy I finally got around to doing the laundry so that I could wear the new dresses (well, new to me) that I bought last week!

I'm happy my hip didn't hurt after taking a one mile walk this week!  My hip is finicky - sometimes it bothers me a LOT and other times, not at all.

I'm happy I never heard back from the company I interviewed with last week! 

I'm happy I got a new book to read!
This has been a sad week in Blog World with Baby, Skeletor, Phantom, Tommy, Shelby and Molly all needing our prayers.  Baby has heartworm, Skeletor has anemia and heartworm, Phantom has a lump which he'll be having removed, Tommy passed over the rainbow bridge, Shelby's recovering from wounds she likely received during a fight and  Molly had a seizure and other health problems.  Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers, they need all the good vibes you can send them!
Blogger is driving me crazy!  I've read other several other people's blogs where they've said that not all of their comments were showing up even though they've approved them.  That just happened to me recently too!  Does anyone know how to fix that? 

Also, I like to write my posts in advance sometimes and set them to publish at a certain date and time.  I check the calendar for the date to make sure I have it correct and I always check to make sure it's set to publish in the AM rather than the PM.  Well, twice now, it hasn't published when it's supposed to!  I've had to edit the post and manually tell it to publish.  Is anyone else having this problem?
If you've read my blog for any length of time, then you already know my love of all things celebrity gossip.  This week's Blog of the Week is a little different than any I've seen.  I found it when another celebrity gossip site linked to a specific post on it and have been reading it ever since. 

This blog has been in existence since December 2006.  What's it about?  Celebrity real estate!  Most of the properties shown are for sale but not all.  Each post has pictures of the property for sale along with information you'd find in an average listing for a home.  Sometimes they'll even include floor plans.  It's kind of fun to see how the rich and famous live! 

They don't provide the actual address of the property and if you do happen to find it, they don't encourage you to knock on the door to say hello to whoever lives there.  I like that they do that but I don't doubt that a few people probably do search for the address online.  I've actually seen someone type the address in the comments.  Not often, but I've seen it once or twice.

Sometimes the author adds a bit of gossip to go along with the listing.  Once in awhile she'll even post a "blind item" where she gives some information about someone and you have to guess the star.  Of course, the blinds are all real estate related.  Those are my favorite posts!

15 showed me some love:

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

I am glad that company didn't call you back either and wish for a fantastic job opportunity to come your way!

I am thankful that our heatwave finally broke last night and I'll be able to take Chewy & Lilibell out for walks this weekend!

I will also keep all of those doglets in my thoughts and prayers.

Hugs, Nadine

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Yay for thems not calling you back! The perfect job for you is out there...I feels it. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Daily Pip said...

I just know the right job is just around the corner! What kind of job are you looking for - just in case I hear of something!

Your pal, Pip

Velvet Over Steel said...

I'm glad they didn't call back either. I'm having a bit of an anxiety attack thinking about work next week. Lots of problems & blame games are coming, so it's not going to be fun. Wish we could both make money 'blogging', right Sprinkles?! We have got to 'create' something where we can do this all day, make enough money to live well and help all needy Pets in the world! Hummmm.....
Well, have a wonderful weekend my friend!! :-)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the good wishes for Phantom and for telling others about him and all the other furries in need. We are happy that so far we have no bad news about his bloodwork - no news just might mean good news.

Thanks for the tip for the carpet. It looks pretty good so far but those stains have a strange way of resurfacing. It is just about time for a professional cleaning anyway.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Congrats on winning the decal. We need rain here really bad too. Everyone's grass is yellow & like straw.

koko said...

The pet blogiverse definitely need some healing vibes... and it doesn't help with Blogger being all cranky.

Licks, hero

Anonymous said...

We finally just came out of a heatwave here, thankfully!

Since you don't have your email enabled, I couldn't answer your questions about getting sponsors for giveaways on your blog. Some companies, like just send emails out to bloggers on their own, but most of the time, you have to send "letter of interest" emails, in a sense, asking the company if they would include you in future campaigns. If you want more info, just drop me a line: and I can even show you the basic email format I use. :)

Oh, and I'm a new follower!

Sketching with Dogs said...

You are a lucky girl only one day of rain, I think it rained at some point every day here, ugh.
Glad your hip is feeling better.
Hope all those poor pups feel well soon, we are sending healing vibes - ommmmmmm.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

the booker man said...

oh my word, miss sprinkles, you have unleashed a monster. heehee. my mama LOVES anything having to do with real estate, and then you add famous peeps into the mix? it's curtains for the free world! ;)
oh, and i'm glad that you didn't get called back about that job you didn't want. i hope you have some more interview possibilities soon!
you know, blogger has been doing this stoopid thingie to me where i set a time for a post in the future and hit enter, and then blogger says that time has already expired?! what is up with that?!
the booker man

Deborah said...

OH that's right, that company...LOL..I'm glad they didn't call either!!
Have a great Sunday!

Melissa said...

Happy Friday! Well, it's technically Sunday morning where I am now (it's 12:35am), but glad you have things to be happy and grateful for. :)

PS. Just noticed you have 50 followers, good for you!

Melissa said...

PS. I finally posted my award from you. I'm such a slacker!

Zuzana said...

Hello dear sprinkles, I am back from my unplanned blog pause.;)
It is always a joy to read your Friday posts.;) Sorry about blogger giving you trouble. I do not have comment moderation enabled, thus I do not know, sorry.
So, what was the news - result of the interview? Or perhaps you wrote about it in your previous posts.
I hope you are having a great weekend, I feel a bit sad now that my parents have left and I am alone again...

Life With Dogs said...

I'm laughing about that job interview - I was dreading a callback for you! :)

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