Friday, November 26, 2010

Half Full Friday

This week went by in the blink of an eye, didn't it?  It always does when there's a holiday in the middle.  That just means Half Full Friday is upon us that much more quickly!  And honestly, who doesn't love Half Full Friday??? 

Feel free to join in and post your list, then come back and link up!  (Please only link up if you've actually participated in Half Full Friday and posted your list.  Thanks!)  Come on, it'll be fun and there's plenty of room for everyone!
~I'm happy because...

I won George the Lad's Birthday Bucket!  Yay me!!! 

My mom bought me some gingerbread marshmallows!

I got an award from Tiffy and Coco!

I had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and a friend!

I made some sugar cookies earlier this week!  I'm a pig, I ate them all!!!

I got the ink cartridge I ordered for my printer!

We still have a lot of snow but the roads aren't too bad for the most part!
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday!  As stated above, mine was spent with my parents and a friend.  I kept thinking I should invite a friend over every week (I eat there every Sunday) because my parents were both so much nicer with her there!  lol
Source:  weheartit
I have a Blog of the Week all picked out but was much too lazy to put anything together this week.  Plus I haven't been home much.  So I'll save that blog for next week.

11 showed me some love:

Draco and his Mom said...

Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I love the oreo turkey picture you posted. I might have to make some of those.
Stay safe and warm.

Deborah said...

I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. If I make cookies I eat them all too!
Have a nice weekend!

Kristen said...

Eating all the cookies.... soooo something I would do!! And cupcakes. I make a batch of those and somehow, all 24 of them disappear!

Glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving!!

Zuzana said...

We have snow too, we have had some for days, but this last night a serious snow storm passed over us and it is still snowing. I can forget about driving for days, I ma snowed in...;)
I hope you will have a lovely Thanksgiving weekend dear friend,

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes, so glad you had a great Thanksgiving!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Sorry, I was slow getting back over here. I checked your blog too early yesterday, before going shopping.

Very glad that you had a good Thanksgiving!! I totally understand what you mean about parents being nicer when you have a friend with you. That would sum up my childhood right up until recently. I seem to handle my mother soooo much better now than ever before. I think living in another state helps. LOL

Hope your having a Great weekend!!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi. I tried to post this before, but I don't think it work. That's great that you won another contest. The weeks have been flying by.

Betsy Brock said...

gingerbread marshmallows? oooh...I need to find some of these!

Anonymous said...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, too. Lots of turkey sliced and diced just FUR us!

Scooter said...

Hey Wylde One!
Great post. You have lots of things to be glad about. You won a contest! Good for you. You are such a terrific bloggie buddy...I'm glad we're following each other!
Hope you had a great holiday!
Grr and Woof,

Doris Sturm said...

I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! That's why I've not baked any cookies yet, because I cannot be trusted ;-)

I wish we had snow, but it doesn't snow here and I really miss bad that I had to crochet my won snowballs and snowman (no kidding!)

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