Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday MeMe and What Would You Do?

Took this from here...

1.  You're opening up a cafe.  What songs do you have playing for your customers?  List a few songs from your playlist.  

I love music from the late '80s.  I could listen to music from that era all day, every day!  To name just a few, I'd play songs from Bon Jovi, Poison, Warrant, Guns N Roses, Tesla, Great White and so many more.

2.  What's your biggest regret in the past week?  

I went shopping over the weekend and spent way more $ than I should have.  I'll be spending even more today because I've scheduled and oil change and my boys are going to the vet for their annual shots.  I had a fun shopping though!

3.  If you were offered the perfect job in a place you absolutely did NOT want to live, would you take it?

Presuming it's only the town/city I didn't want to live in, then yes, because I don't have to live there!  If the job was in a country or a state I didn't want to live, I'd have to think long and hard about it and weigh the good with the bad.

3.  Show and tell.  What comes to mind first when you see this picture?  Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
 I had a friend who used to collect birdhouses.  She used to collect a lot of stuff, actually!  And then she got divorced and moved into a tiny, tiny apartment and I don't think she collect much of anything anymore because she doesn't really have the room for it.  When I see this, I think of her.
So...  The what would you do question.
A friend of mine recently found out she's pregnant.  It was a real shock as her boyfriend had gotten a vasectomy so apparently they weren't using birth control.  She had an ultrasound a few weeks ago and they did an amniocentesis at the same appointment.  Sadly, she found out her baby is not healthy.  He'll be deformed, have mental disabilities and probably won't live much past birth, if he even makes it that long.

Several people have tried to talk her into having an abortion but she's seen the baby now which has made him all the more real.  She's even given him a name.  Plus she wants to give him a fighting chance and not be the reason he doesn't have one.

This news made me so sad and I shed a few tears for her.  I tried not to ask too many questions because I think she was looking more for someone to just listen to her story and I didn't want to take away from that so I don't have a lot of details.

I want to do something for her but I don't know what?!  I only know her from one of my classes and don't have any contact with her outside of school.  Do you have any suggestions?

9 showed me some love:

Scooter said...

Hey Wylde One!
Wow, sounds like a great shopping trip! Mom's going all squeeee that you'd play Bon Jovi...she loves that guy! BOL. For your friend, I think listening is the very bestest gift and you've already started that. Supporting her regardless will be a good friend thing to do.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is a great Q and A and I enjoyed reading your answers. Oh well, we all overspend sometimes - or most of the time, lol.
So sad about your friends baby, I'm sure it would help her to know that you are there to listen when she needs someone to talk to.
Lynne x

Melissa said...

I too love me some Bon Jovi.. their 80s stuff was the best.

I don't envy the situation your school friend is in, it would be a hard one. I know what I would do, but she's got to make a decision that she can live with and I hope she's able to find some peace, regardless of her decision.

The Daily Pip said...

I agree with Sarge, listening is probably all you can do. Tragically, it sounds like she is in for serious heartbreak either way ...

Kristen said...

I can't even imagine getting news like that... I will include her in my prayers. And her little baby. I don't even know where to start trying to help you think of what to do for her. I think she sounds amazing though- that little baby is lucky to have such a wonderful, loving mommy.

Finn said...

Oh 80s music is just awesome! You could always invite your school friend out for a smoothie and just be a good listener then. Inviting her out may make her list of glass-half-full events for the week and give her something small to be happy about, you know? It is such a hard situation, just being supportive is all you can do!

jen said...

I'm sorry to read about your friend.
Maybe you could bring her a special treat one day to class, like cupcakes or something with a card that says you are thinking about her?

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Like everyone else's comments, I think listening is of the best things you could do. I also think you would be okay asking questions. But another thing is making sure to be there throughout the whole thing, if you feel like you have potential to be better friends and you're committed to being there. I think a lot of times people will be there for each other at the beginning of trials, but then they flake out because they don't realize they're needed for longer than that. So in the darker times when nobody seems to be there--that's when your help will mean the most. <3

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend!! That is so hard--I can't imagine. I'm so impressed with how great of a friend you are, though--to be there for her even though you don't know her as well. <3

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