Sunday, March 26, 2017

Absolutely Random

  • My work contract has been extended until the end of June.  I don't anticipate that it'll be extended after that.  Considering this job was only supposed to last until December 31st, 2016, I've been extremely lucky to have stayed this long.
  • Shiver and Chico are both doing as well as can be expected.  Shiver has been breathing heavier lately, fortunately it doesn't usually last long.  He woke me up late last night/early this morning breathing heavier than normal.  I picked him up, cuddled him and spoke softly to him telling him I'm so sorry he has to go through this, everything will be OK, and I love him very much.  It was a scary moment, but that's all it was - just a moment.  He recovered quickly and we all went back to bed.
  • I got my tax refund and have already spent way too much!  But it's been so long since I've been able to buy myself something nice without worrying about paying the bills and making sure there's enough left over to buy the boys' meds.  This past weekend I bought myself a pretty dress that I'm looking forward to wearing regularly this summer.
  • I'm still really enjoying my 1 Second Everyday app.  Anyone else looking at my daily diary might find it boring but I'm enjoying finding a moment worthy of recording each day.  I wake up each morning thinking about what I can add to the timeline that day.  Has anyone else downloaded this app?

1 showed me some love:

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You must be doing a good job for your employer - congrats on the extension. Hugs to the boys from all of us.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

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