Friday, February 3, 2012

Half Full Friday!

Half Full Friday is a series of weekly posts that Eyegirl originally started in June 2009.  We believe that a lot of our happiness is determined by our attitude about the things that happen to us.  So by participating, I'm deciding to see the glass as half full instead of half empty; I'm choosing to concentrate on the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.  The Half Full Friday posts are a way to do just that.  They're a list of the things in my life that have brought me happiness over the past week.  I'm determined to find something good in each day.  Are you?

For the next week, I'd like to challenge each of you to keep a list of at least one thing that brought you happiness each day.  Be sure to link up here once you've posted your list!  (This isn't a blog hop so please only link up if you've participated by posting your happy list.  Thanks!)
~I'm happy because...
I got my free Zoya polishes in the mail!

I racked up some good karma by helping a friend in need this week!

Cali agreed to go to the Big Dance with Shiver!   My boys are so excited, they can hardly contain themselves that they get to date sisters!

My mom bought me some flowers for no reason at all!

Post Secret is coming to town and I've got a ticket!!!  Soooooooo excited for this!  
I apologize for not getting around to everyone yesterday.  There just aren't enough hours in a day, I swear!  I worked 9 hours and was just exhausted when I got home.  Work is getting busier a lot sooner this semester.  Today is our short day and we have over 900 people coming in.  Ugh!  I guess it's just as well that I can't do homework at work because as busy as it's getting, I wouldn't have the time anyway.

I did sneak in some math homework yesterday during the last hour when things slowed down, at least.  We have 6 required hours of online homework each week and sometimes I have a hard time meeting it.  All of my classes this semester are a lot harder and I have to keep on top of it all so I don't fall behind.  
As I'm sure you've heard, Corbin and Ernie could really use your paws of prayer.  Ernie seems to doing a little better but poor Corbin hasn't been improving.  As if that wasn't bad enough, his mama hurt her ankle and is now on crutches.  When it rains, it pours!

13 showed me some love:

Jenny Woolf said...

OKay, five good things for me... we had a great time watching family doing music and storytelling in a London museum last night. So proud of em!
So glad one of my relatives who has been sick, is feeling better.
Got a load of CDs organised at last that has been sooo bugging me, I love that clear space!!
Heard from an old friend from way way back
Got some sweet Alice in Wonderland gifts from a Japanese friend.

Finn said...

Flowers for no reason! Very awesome! Have a good weekend!

The Daily Pip said...

Karma is a good thing. You never know when you will need it. BOL!

No worries about visiting. Good luck with school and work!

Your pal, Pip

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Grrrrreat week you had. I know that you will not fall BEHIND, BUTT (hehehehe) in case you do..
you have that good Karma to fall back on.. THAT will get you going a bit.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I always believe in Karma and try to do nice things when they are needed.
So great you had such a good week, the flowers must have been a wonderful suprise!
Hugs, Lynne x

♥ Sallie said...

I just love your Friday posts! They make me so happy.


Melissa said...

I'm so envious that you get to go to a PostSecret event! You'll have to tell us all about it!

Happy be-lated Friday! :)

Scooter said...

Hey Wylde One!
Wow, what a great week! Boy, I'm really having fun joining you with half full Fridays. I'm so super excited that your chis will be at the big party with my bestest girl Zona's sisters! Woohooo we're going to have so much fun together.
BTW: I bet your flowers are beautiful!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Marianne Pysh said...

We're so very thrilled for Shiver!! lol! And aren't flowers for no reason at all the best kind?

Zuzana said...

Happy Friday on a Sunday dear sprinkles.;) How lovely to receive flowers.;)
I am so glad others have hard time sticking to regular blogging, as I sure have these days.;))
Me and Sammy put or paws together and will pray for your friends.:)

Sagira said...

Enjoy that free polish. Getting fun and free things in the mail is great.

Adien Crafts said...

Hi :-) Glad to hear you've had a good week, how lovely to get flowers for no reason too! Take care xxx

Meg said...

Yay for good karma!

I am going to check out those pooches websites now.

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